Is World war 3 Imminent?

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    World wars are major conflicts that involve world powers, it is a conflict centered around politics, imperialism, alliances and nationalist pride. Predicting the onset of a third world war will rely on studying the causes of previous world wars.

    World war one (1) began with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria (June 28, 1914). The Austria-Hungary government belived that the assassination was carried out by Serbia and therefore declared war on Serbia when Serbia fell short in properly addressing the issue. This event prompted allies to take sides and an all out war broke out in Europe.

    Archduke Ferdinand. Source: Wikipedia
    Austria-Hungary reenactment. Source: Flickr

    Prior to this, by 1914 tension among the European powers where tense. This was due to internal politics, desire to grow empires and alliances such as the Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary alliance in 1881, although Italy made a secret alliance with France not to come to Germany’s aid.

    Source: History on the net

    In response to Germany’s alliance, France and Russia made an alliance in 1892 and in 1904, France also made an alliance with Britain forming the Triple Entente.

    All these events and alliances contributed and shaped the onset of world war one (1).

    Source: Uniformology

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    Is World war 3 Imminent?

    Likewise, the nazi-soviet union agreement paved way for the invasion of Poland (1939). This invasion signaled the start of world war two (2). This agreement was suggested by Germany in its campaign to recover it’s once magnificent and proud empire.

    On the 28th of June 1919, Germany signed the treaty of Versailles. This treaty lead to the weaking of German millitary, land and economic strengths were shrinked. This also led to hunger, unemployment and Shame in Germany- a once great nation reduced to a small country. This prompted Adolf Hitler to rebuild the German millitary increasing its size above 100,000 for the army and above 15,000 for the navy and starting a millitary Campaign to regain lost land and resources.

    In response to this campaign which was the invasion of Poland on 1st September, 1939, initiating world war two (2), Britain and France keeping to their promise declared war on Germany (September 3rd 1939).

    Therefore one could say the cause of the second world war was nationalistic pride, bad politics and policies.

    Adolf Hitler. Source:

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    Is World war 3 Imminent?

    Presently alot of international conflicts and alliances are mimicking the events that prompted world war one (1) and world war two (2) such events include:

    1. Russia-ukraine crisis in Europe: This was caused by NATO expansion. On 27 May 1997, at the NATO Summit in Paris, France, NATO and Russia signed the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security, a road map for would-be NATO-Russia cooperation.

    One of the agreements in that act was that NATO would stop it’s east ward expansion. This agreement was broken and lead to Russia invading Ukraine, a clear indication of alliance, nationalistic pride and imperialism causing another conflict.

    Source: Radio free Europe

    2. The Algeria-morocco conflict in North Africa: This dispute is over control of the western Sahara. If millitary action were to be taken by either of the two nations, it could bring up a case of allies backing allies and leading to a protracted millitary confrontation.

    s-350 missile launcher. Source: Juan Pena

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    3. The China-Taiwan conflict in asia, a dispute over independence and unification.

    Armed vehicle of Taiwan military. Source: Getty images

    4. Israel-palestine conflict in the middle East.

    Israel/Palestine. Source: Getty Images

    Also, the protracted Russian-ukraine crisis has caused economic turmoil, such incidence can prompt alliances to shift and also trigger military and economic actions. Any of these conflicts could go out of hand if not properly managed and signal the start of world war three (3).


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